EMEA Wall Crossing / MAR Market Sounding Communications
To inquire about the interest of any KKR entity in a Market Sounding pursuant to the Market Abuse Regulation (EU No. 596/2014), the Market Abuse II Directive (Directive 2014/57/EU), and the UK Market Abuse Regulation (UK MAR), including any related legislation, please direct your communication solely and exclusively to the designated KKR Compliance email address EMEAMarketSounding@kkr.com. The KKR Compliance team, acting as the authorized Market Sounding Recipients, functions as a gatekeeper between KKR investment teams and brokers for all Market Sounding inquiries. It is imperative that KKR employees not be contacted directly regarding Market Soundings, as they are not authorized to receive such communications. Your compliance with this established protocol is essential and appreciated.