KKR’s focus on sustainability is rooted in our commitment to value creation and value protection. 2023 reinforced how crucial collaboration is to our ability to deliver strong returns and shared success to those we serve. Our collaborative spirit is found in the ways we integrate sustainability into our investment and business activities — how and where we invest, how we support our companies, and how we operate as a business.
13years of publicly reporting on KKR’s sustainability efforts
$ 45B+in sustainability-focused investments since 2010*
Our Approach to Sustainable Investing
Our People and Culture
Our people set our Firm apart and are key to our success. Engaging all our colleagues to maximize their contributions helps us strive to deliver the best investment outcomes. To achieve this, we work to foster an inclusive, respectful, safe, and engaging environment where all our people can thrive both professionally and personally.
Stakeholder Engagement
* Includes capital invested in or committed to sustainability-focused investments from 2010 to December 31, 2023 by KKR funds and syndicated co-investments (including Global Atlantic’s sustainability-focused investments from 2015 to December 31, 2023). Relevant investments include the following sustainability-focused sectors: climate, environmental sustainability, cybersecurity, lifelong learning (including education and workforce development), and social equality (including financial inclusion and food security).